Weather Forecasting Services Make Managing Shipments Easier…Even During Winter Storms

PeriShip provides personalized weather forecasts specific to customers' transit routes

Before Thanksgiving Day came and went, the Atlantic hurricane season uttered one last gasp in the form of Tropical Storm Sara. Additionally, in mid-November, a low-pressure system approached the U.S. West Coast and underwent a process called bombogenesis. This occurs when the barometric pressure within a low-pressure system decreases by at least 24 millibars in a 24-hour period. This system became one of the strongest on record for the Pacific Northwest and caused torrential rain, flooding, and damaging winds. Widespread power outages and significant mountain snow covered these regions. A personalized weather forecast for transit routes is a tremendous asset in these situations.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s winter prediction we can expect, “wetter-than-average conditions for the entire northern tier of the continental U.S., particularly in the Pacific Northwest and the Great Lakes region, along with northern and western Alaska.” NOAA also predicts “drier-than-average conditions are expected from the Four Corners region of the Southwest to the Southeast, Gulf Coast and lower mid-Atlantic states.” 

Make Informed Shipping Decisions

No one wants to receive notification that their anticipated and/or necessary delivery has been delayed or canceled. To provide clients with as much peace of mind as possible when a weather threat is looming, PeriShip provides in-depth forecasting and guidance via an in-house team of meteorologists. Simply stated, PeriShip’s weather reporting gives clients the ability to:

  • -Make informed shipping decisions based on curated weather forecasts
  • -Know when to ship to minimize spoilage and costly delays
  • -Alter their logistics operations to avoid potential weather interferences

The term “weather reporting” is an understatement of what PeriShip offers. For PeriShip clients, weather reporting entails a personalized weather forecast for transit routes and guidance for shipping origins and destinations. Customized information is available in several ways—Daily Weather Outlook, Weekly Weather Outlook, and the Major Storm Desk.

Daily Weather Outlook

Except for Fridays and Saturdays, PeriShip subscribers receive the Daily Weather Outlook. These reports give clients detailed weather forecasts for the nation’s main sorting hubs for the following shipping day. Far from a simple weather report, this resource indicates the potential impact a weather event may have on the transit network.  A forecast map identifies weather fronts and systems that will affect conditions across the country the following day and includes precipitation forecasts. Additionally, the report contains a high-temperature forecast map and discussion that focuses on shipment commitment dates. PeriShip disseminates the Daily Weather Outlook by 4:00 p.m. (ET).

Weekly Weather Outlook

On Fridays, PeriShip subscribers receive a report that provides a general overview of the following week’s weather for each of the main sorting hubs. Similar in scope to the Daily Weather Outlook, the Weekly Weather Outlook offers specific periods of potential concern, and potential impacts weather events may have on the transit network. In this instance, however, the report’s high-temperature forecast map provides information specifically for shipments with a Monday delivery date.

Major Storm Desk

When winter storms and other weather events threaten to strike, PeriShip activates its Major Storm Desk. Acting as an early warning system for clients, the Major Storm Desk is responsible for providing clients a list of zip codes. For these zip codes, PeriShip advises delaying shipment of time- and temperature-sensitive products until a weather event clears.

Along with weather reporting, PeriShip combines other tools, like monitoring and intervention, to allow clients to make informed decisions about the timing of their time-sensitive and perishable shipments.  Our expertise is with you every mile of your journey, not just the last mile. Connect with us today to formulate your strategy for weathering any winter storm that may arise.

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